News Updates

January 30, 2025 – Schedule changes due to unsafe/icy road conditions

Blue Line

  • Blue line is running as far as Whale Park
  • There is no service to the Monastary Street/Arrowhead Street and A Street/Verstovia Street stops.

Red Line

  • There is no service to the Edgecumbe Drive/Mills Street and Edgecumbe Drive/Charteris Street stops.

Green Line is not affected.

the RIDE returns to three lines on Dec. 4

After nearly four years of reduced, two-line service, the RIDE will return to three-line service effective Monday, Dec. 4. During the pandemic and the following months, the Green Line was combined into the Red and Blue lines to provide reduced citywide coverage. Now, putting the Green Line back in service will relieve pressure on the other two routes, giving them more flexibility as we head into the winter when there might be weather delays. The attached graphic updates the schedules for three-line service. On Monday, Nov. 27, Gerry Hope and John Hansen of Sitka Tribe of Alaska’s transit office spoke with Erin Fulton of KCAW-Raven Radio about the return to full service, and you can listen to the interview at this link,

the RIDE adds second shelter at Crescent Harbor stop

We now have two new covered bus shelters at the Crescent Harbor stop to protect Sitka’s the RIDE passengers from the weather.

the RIDE adds new, longer bus to its fleet

Come take a ride on our new bus. Sitka’s the RIDE recently added a 36-foot, 24-passenger bus to its fleet, which also has more standing room than its previous largest bus. The new bus might be running today. Check it out.

Please check our Facebook page for route and weather updates

We don’t like it, but sometimes a bus breaks down, we get snow, or there is a construction project on one of our routes that impacts our schedule. Please watch our Facebook page for route updates. If there is a weather schedule/route change, it will be announced on our local radio stations before it shows up on Facebook or the website, or you can call the RIDE at 747-7103 for more details.

Find the RIDE on Apple Maps

Did you know you can now find the RIDE on Apple Maps? You can find schedules and route maps for the RIDE on Apple Maps. We’re helping keep you connected to public transit in Sitka.

Please keep bus loading zones and bus stops clear

In recent weeks there have been several drivers parking in the bus loading zone in the Crescent Harbor parking lot or at marked bus stops downtown. Please don’t do this, especially since the safety of our riders depends on us pulling the buses into these marked spots so riders can safely board or get off the buses. The Sitka Police Department does ticket vehicles parked in bus-loading zones/bus stops, as you can see in the photos from Crescent Harbor. There were at least seven vehicles ticketed the morning of Aug. 16, 2018.

At Crescent Harbor, the entire row of parking spaces next to Harbor Drive is designated as a bus loading zone from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on week days. Even one car next to the bathrooms can force our buses out into the driving lane. The only time you are allowed to park there is on weekends and holidays.

We also have several people parking in marked bus stops in front of the Sheet’ká Kwáan Naa Kahídi on Katlian Street or the framing shop on Lincoln Street. These spots are for buses only (not charter fishing vans). We need to get our bus completely out of the driving lane to pick up passengers, and it’s unsafe for our drivers to have to unload riders from the middle of the street.

Your help keeping these bus stops clear is greatly appreciated.

Find the RIDE on Google Maps

Want to know how long it takes to get from the ferry terminal to Whale Park with the RIDE? It takes 55 minutes, according to a search on Google Maps, To enter a query, go to (or use the Google Maps app on your cellphone). In the upper left corner of the screen will be a blue diamond that says “Directions” when you click on it. After you click on it, look for the bus icon (third from the left, between the car and the walker) and click it. Then type where you are and where you need to go in the two lines beneath it. Easy peasy