Your rights under the ADA


Your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

  1. Reasonable Modification Policy


The applicable notice will be posted in each bus of the Sitka system:

Notice to Riders with Disabilities

The RIDE fixed route (blue) buses: Passengers with disabilities may request modifications to current service procedures to access the service. To make a request, please call us at 747-7103 or email us at Please submit requests at least one business day before the trip.

Notice to Riders with Disabilities

The Care-A-Van paratransit (white) buses: Passengers with disabilities may request modifications to current service procedures to access the service. To make a request, please call us at 747-8617 or email us at Please submit requests at least one business day before the trip.


Passengers with disabilities may request modifications to current service procedures to access the service or to remove a discrimination situation based on passenger’s disability. .

Please submit requests as soon as possible, if possible at least one business day before the trip. The transit manager at RIDE or Care-A-Van will attempt to respond to same-day requests but a request in advance is more likely to be granted.

The RIDE will not charge additional fees for passengers requiring reasonable modifications.

  1. ADA Complaints

If you have a complaint about the accessibility of our transit system or service, or believe you have been discriminated against because of your disability, you can file a complaint. Click here for the complaints procedures and form. Please provide all facts and circumstances surrounding your issue or complaint so we can fully investigate the incident.

If you are unable to complete a written complaint due to a disability or if information is needed in another language we can assist you. Please contact us at 966-4232 or